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About Us

Our Mission and Vision

The mission of the Love Thy Neighbor Program, Inc. (LTN) is to deliver free nutritious summer lunches to underserved children and their families in rural Pamlico County, who live in food insecure areas. LTN also strives to provide "random acts of kindness"in our communities through fundraisers that support the mission of nonprofits in Pamlico County.

Our vision is to support the needs of the underserved in Pamlico County by loving thy neighbor as God so loves us.

Our Story

The Love Thy Neighbor Program, Inc.  (LTN) was founded upon the deep seated belief held by LTN Founder and Executive Director, Vickie Moseley-Jones, that it is all of our responsibility to love our neighbor just as God loves us. So, in the summer of 2018, Vickie started the organization to support the most needy neighbors she saw in her community. These first neighbors were food insecure children. 


However, long before starting LTN to support food insecure children, Vickie realized that there were other neighbors like her, who knew there needed to be more support for families of loved one's battling with Sickle Cell Disease. However, it was not until the untimely passing of her son, Jamal Jones, that Vickie's dear friend and LTN board member, Dr. Wanda Dawson, decided to take initiative to support her friend Vickie and her husband Greg.  


Dr. Dawson knew that Greg, Jamal's father, was an avid motorcycle rider, so in 2021 she organized the 1st Annual Jamal Jones Memory Motorcycle Ride for Sickle Cell Awareness. Overwhelmed by the show of love and support from neighbors far and wide for the event, Vickie decided that other families battling sickle cell disease also deserve the same show of love and support during their battles. Thus, the Memory Motorcycle Ride has become a staple for LTN.


Since this initial Memory Motorcycle Ride the event has served as a vehicle for awareness in the community about sickle cell disease, resources available, and ways to support the cause. Each year the Memory Motorcycle Ride highlights a nonprofit organization that supports families, whether battling sickle cell disease or other worthy causes, and presents them with a financial gift to support their efforts. These organizations have included the Neuse-Pamlico Sound Women's Coalition and Piedmont Health and Sickle Cell Services, to name a few.


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Food insecure children

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Families battling sickle cell disease

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Our neighbors in need

Our Community Partners

Our Board of Directors

Image by Joel Muniz


We are working to become better neighbors in Pamlico County. Click below to see how you can support the movement!

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